30 Most Effective Ways for Content Marketing In 2019 | Temok Hosting Blog

Melisa Assunta
13 min readOct 23, 2019


Millions of active internet users make access to online customers easier than ever before. Today, content marketing is a hot topic for online businesses. There is no doubt that effective content marketing strategies can give exposure to your brand and make your product or service more visible for the customers. You must hear that “Content Is King” and I quite agree with it because without good marketing and SEO strategies the businesses can’t be successful. In the online world, the competition is very high, millions of businesses are putting their content online every day and one needs to be very consistent when it comes to optimized content marketing.

In this article, I would discuss some of the most effective and best content marketing services that would improve your online credibility. You have to invest a lot of time and energy for continuously creating the marketing strategies for business but if you know how to do this effectively, all of your efforts and time will never go wasted. In this era of the internet, there are millions of opportunities for businesses to grow rapidly and access more customers. For doing marketing for your website, you need a solid strategy, where you have clear objectives and goals for Online content marketing. There are different types of content marketing that you can use for your business such as interactive video marketing, linkedin content strategy, facebook content strategy, media content marketing, mobile content marketing, social content marketing, etc.

Following are some of the most effective ways that can be used by businesses for excellent marketing.

Set Your Goals

For making the marketing strategies for your business, the most important thing is to set your goals. Your goals should be very clear and focused. Marketing success is very much depending on your goals. The goals for digital content marketing should be compatible with your business objectives. The goals are the building blocks of marketing that can direct your marketing decisions in the future. While setting the goals, you should know, what are your business objectives? What is the purpose of this marketing? Who do you want to approach? So, it can be said that, when it comes to content, the more clarity you have, the more you are likely to achieve maximum results.

Know Your Audience

After setting the goals, the next step is to define your audience. Your overall brand strategy is depending on your audience. For example, if you are trying to reach young people, your vice should be very lively and casual and for the elder people, the voice should be more mature and formal. Similarly, for the male and female audience, the content styling and narration is also very different.

You can recognize the potential audience by:

  • Analyzing demographic information such as age, gender, occupation, etc.
  • Get feedback from the audience about your products that would help you to understand their needs and interest.
  • After getting the demographic information and feedback, you can make the persona of buyers that would also help you to better know the interests of your audience.

Tell, Why Buyer Need You?

While writing the content for your customers, try to focus on your services and products. You have to create demand in buyers for your product or services. With your effective marketing, you have to make the buyer realize that they really need your products. The technique of creating demand for something is used by many companies. Rather than pretending yourself as a brand ambassador, present yourself as a user of the product.

Don’t Sound Like a Salesmen

While writing the content, many people make a big mistake by selling their product directly to the customers. One thing that you must know about the content is that it is not a sales letter and it should not be used for this purpose. I have personally seen a lot of online articles that actually seems like a sales pitch. The main purpose of the writing is not to convince your audience to buy the product, but its purpose is to access your audience, create demand or tell them about the benefit that they can have from your product.

Write Once, Edit Twice!

When it comes to creating content, accuracy is something should not be compromised. While writing the content, it is possible to make some mistakes grammatical or logical. You should proofread it again, once you finish the writing. In the content, the rule that you must consider is to Write Once, Edit Twice. So, make sure to not make any mistake in the content because it leaves a bad impact on the reader.

Choose the Right Channels to Publish Content

Many online platforms can be used to publish content. Now the question is, what is the best platform to publish? Knowing your audience’s interests can help to make a better decision about the selection of platform for publishing. First, you need to recognize, where is your audience? Either they are on Instagram or LinkedIn? Spotting your audience can help you publish on the platform with more potential.

SEO Can Be A Game Changer

Content marketing is also about managing the SEO if you are a good now-how of SEO than the whole marketing can be a piece of cake for you. Companies hire SEO experts for managing their online image and ranking on Google. If you are thinking of doing marketing for your business then you must have good SEO knowledge, otherwise, all of your efforts can be wasted. You can optimize your content by using effective SEO tools.

Use Keywords Smartly

The one who has the basic knowledge of SEO must be familiar with the keyword density in their blogs and web pages. The keywords play a major part in the online ranking of your website on the search engine. Try not to use a lot of keywords in your content. The density of your keywords should not be more than 5%. Keyword stuffing can reduce the overall readability.

Use Links

In your content, you can also put some internal and external links that would not only help the reader to get extensive information but also improve your SEO. The internal links used can provide direct access to your website or other blog posts.

Have A Unique Voice

You must know that content is a different thing from essay or report writing. In the content, you are not just informing your audience but also communicating with them. Other than putting facts, figures and information, you must use your personal voice and expression in the content, so your audience feels like listening to something from a human rather than accessing static information. The competition in the market for the content is very high, so to be more accessible to the audience, you have to maintain a different and innovative style to attract the audience.

Brainstorm Innovative Ideas

When it comes to marketing, being innovative and up to date is the key to achieve your goals. Your content should not be the copy of some other online content paraphrased but you have to produce an authentic and innovative piece of writing. You have to find new ideas that are more useful and engaging for your audience, otherwise, they will soon lose their interest.

Don’t Overdo Anything

While doing the content market, you have to consider different things like keywords density, internal and external links, images, etc. There is no doubt that all of these elements are very important for your maintaining SEO but overdoing these things can create opposite results. You need to be very conscious while using keywords, internal and external links and images because only the right way to use them can improve your quality. Keywords stuffing, putting a massive amount of links and images are worse than not using them.

Make an Email List

The marketers need to make the email list of all of the potential customers of their products. You can create a customer’s email list to send personalized email to them for informing them about your business and how your product can benefit them. In the email pitch, do not convince your customers to buy the product.

Don’t Forget Social Media

In content marketing, social media is the most important tools. You can have more access to your customers through social media. Social media is a perfect option because there are more chances of your exposure. While choosing the social media platforms to put your content, you first have to figure out, where are your audience? If your content is about businesses and their services then better to put it on LinkedIn and if it is about beauty tips and products then it is better to put it on Instagram or Facebook.

Make an Emotional Connection with Buyers

The purpose of your marketing is not just increasing your website ranking but it also helps to maintain a strong connection with your customers. Use a good amount of authentic voice and your opinions, tell the buyers about the importance of your product in their lives. Your content should be focused on the audience rather than your product or services. Use an emotional tone for the customers, have empathy and let the audience consider you as their problem solver and well-wisher.

Tell A Story

Telling a story to your audience to engage them with your brand is a very effective tool and is used by a lot of businesses. The storytelling technique is used by a lot of marketers to make their customers believe in, what they are saying. The story may not always true, but you can make it sounds true and real. When you start with telling a story (can be yours or someone else) it creates an emotional connection of audience with your blogs that can help you engage more customers. When you are new in the industry, it is hard for you to make people trust you and what you are saying, telling the story is a good tool to build trust and an emotional connection.

Keep Experimenting

In the online world, you cannot go along with the same kind of content because it can make your audience bored. In digital content marketing, innovation and uniqueness are the keys to long term success. It is recommended to the businesses to do experimenting with their content, it will help them to be up to date and also make you understand what better works for them.

Content Should Be Compatible with Your Brand

As I mentioned above that the goals should be well defined and also compatible with the brand’s objectives. The main purpose of any content should be to access more customers and build a good brand image. Your writing should be aligned with your business goals and brand mission? Most of the times, the companies make a mistake by putting the information that is not relevant to their products at all. This may drag some traffic to your website but it is of no use.

Stand Out the Crowd

For creating effective and useful content, the innovation and uniqueness are on the top. The internet is full of articles and blogs. There are billions of web pages and they are increasing every day. In the online community, if you are walking the same road as others then it would be hard for your audience to even recognize you. To achieve more credible online marketing goals, you have to stand out the crowd. You should have your own voice that can make your brand more visible and attract more customers, who now have to view something new, innovative and unique.

Be Responsive

When you are putting your content, whether on social media or on your personal blog. You have to be responsive to an audience who are commenting on your blogs and social media posts. The more responsive you are towards the audience; more they will trust you.

Make A Good Research

Before writing for your website, you first have to make a good research about the topic. Lack of research can reduce the authenticity of the content. When you are putting any numbers or statistics then verify it from a couple of resources, so there are fewer chances of errors. try to make a lot of research to ensure accuracy otherwise, your customers would not trust your brand.

Improve Readability

When you are writing a blog or other social media post, make sure to keep it organized and clear, so the reader would have no issue in understanding. The more readable your content is, the more possibility is for you to engage more audience. To make it more readable, you can put illustrations and headings. The heading and images should be very engaging and urges the audiences to take some action.

Make Your Content Organized

The organization and order have a huge impact on the overall readability. The flow of the content and the heading should make keeping in mind the thought pattern of the audience. The order of headings and images also have a huge impact on clarity and readability.

Decide Your Format

It is very important to choose the right formats depending on your audiences. First, you have to keep in mind that the list of formats for the blogs is not very long. To select the right format for your blog or web pages, you have to understand the goals and knowing the audience’s interests is also a major aspect that should be considered.

Keep an Eye on Your Competitors

Content marketing is a consistent procedure and you have to put a constant effort to make it work for your business. There are millions of online businesses that are creating valuable content for their websites. You can also follow the ideas and patterns of your competitors in the industry. Other companies that have been in the industry for a long time have a good idea about marketing and trends, following their path can help you to be on track.

Use Images and Headlines Wisely

The images make the blogs more reader-friendly that is very good to increase your online traffic. Most of the readers are very quick to read an article and they only go through the headings. The whole credibility of your blogs is very much depending on the headings. If your headings are attractive and engaging then there are more chances for the reader to read the whole thing.

Get Inspiration from Other Writers

For continuously creating the content, the writer needs to get inspiration to be innovative. You can get inspiration from other writers in the industry. You can search the blogs of the top marketers and it will help you to get an idea. It is good to keep an eye on what the other competitors are doing and how their audiences are responding to them.

Be Consistent in Your Publishing

To accomplish your business goals and producing effective outcomes, it is very important for you to be consistent in your efforts. If you are new in the field of marketing, you must know that to get the result of your efforts in marketing you have to be very patient. You can promote your brand on a different platform with consistency.

Try to Focus on One Niche

Once the goals and objectives for the marketing are defined, you should decide one niche, you want to work on. In the beginning, it is better to not go for different niches because it can make you and your audience confused about the actual personality of the business brand. Start with focusing on one thing and gradually moves towards other niches.

Measure Your Results

Being a marketer, it is also very important for you to keep track of your outcomes using any analytics tools. This practice would help you to analyses the credibility of your content and what type of content is more liked by your audience. Keeping track of your performance also help you to improve the quality. Being in the online business, it is very important for you to measure the results and outcomes of your marketing efforts. It would help you to understand, what better works for your audiences. By analyzing your results, you can have a better idea about your strength and weaknesses. This practice would also help you to improve your overall credibility in the market.


In this article, I discussed different effective ways for a digital content marketing strategy that can be used to improve your online credibility. The marketing strategies of the business has a huge impact on building relationships with customers and creating a strong brand image. there are many methods to do the online marketing of your business. You have to make clear goals in mind about your brand and by understanding your audiences’ interests you can manage to find the best marketing strategies for your brand. All of the content marketing solutions discussed in this article would help you to access more customers and build a strong and positive image of the brand in the market. If you find this article helpful, share it in your circle.

Do share your throughs with us about this article in the comments section below.

Originally published at https://www.temok.com.



Melisa Assunta
Melisa Assunta

Written by Melisa Assunta

I'm a dedicated writer sharing my thoughts, stories, and insights on various topics. Join me on this literary journey as we explore the beauty of expression

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